posted 12/15/2016 $114,600 in grant funds are available for Audubon County nonprofit organizations
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posted 11/10/2016 $39,000 Granted to Audubon County Nonprofit Agencies
posted 11/2/2016 Be Me for a Day new endeavor we are bringing to the region. Our goal is to bring community leaders and educators together by inviting you to join our BE ME for a Day
posted 10/10/2016 Come see how innovative components, made right here in Iowa, get shipped all over the world and learn more about Horizontal/Vertical Machining Centers, CNC Turning, Spline Rolling, Sawing, and Laser Marking from experts in the field.
posted 6/24/2016 Genelle Deist, Chair of the Audubon County Community Foundation, a countywide community foundation, announced that the fall grant program is now beginning for Audubon County nonprofit organizations. The deadline to apply for funds through an online grant application process is September 1st. We are pleased to announce we have $39,000 allocated for this fall grant cycle, said Deist.
posted 4/23/2016 Brett Irlmeier, Chair of the Audubon County Community Foundation, is pleased to announce that grants totaling $107,719.11 were awarded to Audubon County nonprofit agencies. The following nonprofit organizations, which submitted applications to the Audubon County Community Foundation by the February 1st deadline, were awarded grants by the ACCF Board of Directors:
posted 1/7/2016 Midwest Partnership's Annual Dinner Meeting is Thursday, January 28, 2016. Social hour begins at 5:45 pm at the Lake Panorama National Conference Center in Panora.